1. Dewi K.Soedarsono, MSi (The Lecturer of Comm.Dept)
  2. Ni Made Dwi Shanti Asih, S.Ikom (The Student of Comm. Dept





Bali as one tourist destination , today continues to make improvement in various sector , including art and culture sector

One of the foundation that care about art and culture is The  Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati as organizers “Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival “, to attract for domestic and foreign tourists.

To disseminate information about “Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival” , that  used media campaign  flyer, brochure,  billboard, facebook ,  twitter  dan website .

The next study aims to determine whether the media campaign that used in information activities “The Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival”,  that influence of  the consumer’s decision comes it.

This research using the method of causality and quantitative data analysis techniques and questionnaires as much as 223 participant of The  Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013.

The results as partial and significant has influence on consumer decisions it and facebook is the most dominat factor to influencing consumer decisions for equal to 5.070


KeyWords : Marketing Communication, Promotion, Promotional  media,

                    Consumer Behavior, Consumer Decision , Social Media









Bali Island is one of the tourist destinations of the world , because it has the potential of beautiful natural scenery ,  fascinating and supported by the activity of art, literature and culture of the people closely associated with the religious .

One of a region famous for its unique Balinesse art and culture is located in the village of Ubud Gianyar and is the most visited areas by domestic and foreign tourist .


The appeal of the region as the artist village of Ubud, impacting tourist visits to increasing from year to year , with the result of international accommodation  services and transportation is growing rapidly..

Accordingly of   the further increase tourist is coming to the Bali ,  Pemda Bali in cooperation with the foundation for the arts and cultural events organized to traditional Balinesse arts and culture. One of which the activity is  Bali Emerging Writers Festival (BEWF) organized by Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati .

BEWF is part of an international literary event Ubud Writers & Readers Festival , whish is an annual program of the Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati . BEWF first was held on May 27 – 29 May 2011 and the second event on May 27 – 29 May 2012 in the foyer of Arts Antida – Denpasar .



Both of relates BEWF  activity, then  Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati perform a variety of promotions media that aimed to attract domestic and foreign tourist to attend it.

Furthermore, to determine which of effective campaign to attract consumers to attend the event , conducted research with the following results :The most effective promotional media used to promote BEWF in 2011 is the flyer (36%),  billboard (31%), brochure (24%) and worth of mouth  (9%). While  of  the BEWF in 2012 ,eg.using   online media  facebook, twitter, and  website  as a media campaign .

As wel as other media campaign , it also conducted research on the effectiveness of online media as the promotion media and the result online media (21,39%), flyer (18,33%), SMS  (14,26%), and newspaper (1.2%).

The activity BEWF  held regularly every year, the by research of the effectiveness of media campaign in 2011 – 2012 ; in organizing on 2013  will use the most effective promotional media that influence to the consumer’s decision for attend the event BEWF 2013.

Thus, the problem in this research :  “ is there any influence of the promotion media against the consumer’s decision comes as a participant in te event BEWF 2013”.

In order to obtain research results that can be used for analysis , then the problem is identified as follows :

  1. How consumer responses regarding the media campaign that used Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati on Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013?.
  2. How much that influence the media campaign Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013 of the consumer’s decision comes as a participant ?.
  3. Which media are most influential on the consumer’s decision comes as a participant in Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013 ?


Literature review

To answer as the constraint has been identified for generating hypotheses that will be proven in research , it is necessary to study the theory of multiple experts and researchers who have tested the validity of the theory and literature that can be used as a basic for analyzing the results of scientific research .

The tile as well as the identification of problems regarding “ Promotional Media Influence For The Consumer Decision has Comes as a Participant in the event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013“, the research results can be analyzed ; first to approach the understanding or Marketing Communications is an activity or effort in informing , persuading and influencing consumers to buy, uses and loyal to a product or services that is marketed by a company ((Morissan (2010);Kotler and Keller (2009);Soemanagara (2008) ).

The second approach is the concept of promotion as the process of communicating the marketing mix variables are very important , undertaken by the company marketing the product. Promotional activities are starting from the palnning, implementation and control of communication to reach the target. Promotion is a kind of communication which provide a convincing explanation of the potential consumers of goods and services .((Alma, 2009:179).

The third approach to the media campaign, is a tool used to reach the company target . This study examined media campaign is going to online media like as facebook, twitter, etc. Freddy Rangkuti (2009:23-26)   to explain divided media campaign includes print media concists of newspapaers, brochures , flyers ; electronic media includes audio media is radio and telephone and audi visual media is television, internet  (facebook, twitter and website) and cinema; outdoor media (outer space) that consists of a billbard, signboard and stikers . Media according has facilitate the promotion process, so as to shorten the time, more efficient and effective in providing information to the public with a efficient and effective .

The third approach , used as a study that can to prove the existence of positif correlation between media campaign with the consumer’s to attend the event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013 .

After evidence of a positive correlation between media campaign with the consume’s decision, it can be seen that regression coeffiecients reflect the contribution of the media campaign in influencing the consumer’s decision .

The fourth is the consumer’s decision , which is an idea to be prudent to individual attributes or the product, brand or sevices and rationally select the one of which to recognized to meet the needs at minimal cost. (Hawkins dan Mothersbaugh, 2010:496),

The approaches of the four concept, will be used to formulate hypotheses  about the variables that affect each other as well as the degree of influence of each of these variabels.


Research Methods


This study uses the method of causality , namely research compiled to examine the possibility of a causal relationship between variables. In general , tha causal relationship could have been predicted by the researches , so that researches can declare a variable classification of causes, the intermediate  variables and the dependent variable. (Sanusi, 2011:14). Population of the research overall of attendees is 500 participant the event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013; using Taro Yamane has formulate obtained a sample of 233 respondents and with the sampling techniques randomly with accidental method, ie participants who are interested in attending the event.

Furthermore, with the approach of causality the the varables in this study is : (X1) Flyer; (X2) Billboard; (X3) Brochure ; (X4) Facebook; (X5) Twitter ;  (X6) Website dan (Y) Consumer’s Decision .


Techniques of data collection


  • Literature of study , supporting data collection through books, the internet and other literature relating to the problem, in order to obtain theoretical data that can be used to build for the foundations of the theory in describing the results of research .
  • Field Study , interviews is collecting data through information directly from sources and questionnaire , which contains of questions which reflection the variable to be research . Then questionnaire carried out through a facebook account, twitter account and direct the participants BEWF 2013.


Data Analysis Techniques

The test how much influence of the media campaign against the consumer’s decision, the the data were analyzed quantitatively through statistical tests; with following : to test the validity od data by correlating each question by the number of scores for each variable field data using a  Pearson Product Moment; later to judge the level of its consistency and stability coefficient measured by techniques Alpha Cronbach ,then the Methode of Successive Interval (MSI) to used of transform the ordinal data into interval data , the result are then described it.

The research Results

            Based on the results of data processing in accordance with the identification of problems  in the research , following :

  1. Consumer responses regarding of the media campaign that used Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati on Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013; each variable used in the media campaign , the result  of  flyer  (68,03%), billboard  (71,35%),  broschure  (76,89%), facebook  (78,57%) , twitter (77,34%) , and website (7,67%) .  The data analisys showed that simultaneous response of respondents to a media campaign that used in good or positive category .
  2. The influence of  media campaign Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013 that  the consumer’s decision comes as a participant : The results of the analisys  of research data shows that media campaign to significantly affect consumer decisions with values of 60.9 % and R value of 0.780 ; where in the value to indicates a strong correlation and unidirectional .
  3. The media are most influential on the consumer’s decision comes as a participant in Event Bali Emerging Writers Festival 2013 : as the partially of the six independent variables , only four independent variables were positive and significant impact on consumer decision, ie : billboard, facebook, twitter, and website. Further assessment of the event participant BEWF 2013 , media campaign that most influence the decision to attend as a participant is  facebook (thitung = 5,070) with the value ttabel  is  1,971.





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Magazine  :

Majalah Marketing Edisi 01/XII/JANUARI 2013, halaman 19.




Website  :, diakses pukul 13.35 WIB pada tanggal 10 Januari 2013., diakses pukul. 13.47 WIB pada tanggal 10 Januari 2013., diakses pukul. 08.35 WIB pada tanggal 12 Januari 2013. , diakses pukul. 09.25 WIB pada tanggal 12 januari 2013. diakses 18 januari 2012, diakses pukul. 13.45WIB, diakses pukul 17.15 WIB pada tanggal 7 Februari 2013., diakses pukul. 20.09 WIB pada tanggal 7 Februari 2013, diakses pukul. 13.35 WIB pada tanggal 8 Maret 2013., diakses pukul. 15.25 WIB pada tanggal 12 Maret 2013.







































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